Washington State First Gentleman Mike Gregoire [/one_half]
Poland’s Ambassador to the US Robert Kupiecki[/one_half_last]
Boeing Vice President Nicole Weyerhaeuser Piasecki introduced by Seattle Port Commissioner John Creighton[/one_half]
Weyerhaeuser CEO Dan Fulton introduced by Director of Economic Development Commission for Washington State Egils Milbergs[/one_half_last]
Minister Counselor Pawel Pietrasienski introduced by President of Seattle Trade Alliance of Greater Seattle Sam Kaplan[/one_half]
US-Poland Business Council President Eric Stewart introduced by Washington-Poland Business Week Director Janice Jaworski [/one_half_last]
Wroclaw Technology Park President Dr. Maciej Chorowski introduced by Association of Washington Business President Don Burnell [/one_half]
Head of New Technology Group of Military Institute of Engineer Technology Dr. Adam Januszko introduced by AWB President Don Burnell[/one_half_last]
University of Washington Evans School of Public Affairs Prof. Zbigniew Bochniarz[/one_half]
Q&A Panel: Dan Fulton, Nicole W. Piasecki, Pawel Pietrasienksi, Eric Stewart[/one_half_last]
Media Coverage:
PHOTOS by Gabriel Bienczycki/Zebra Visual
PHOTOS by Piotr Horoszowski
Embassy of Poland in Washington, DC
Minister Counselor Pawel Pietrasienski’s ppt presentation
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